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Wipeout Your Wi-Fi Woes with Customised

Wi-Fi Woes

I’m always asking new customers about their wi-fi, it fascinates me how many homeowners put up with awful wi-fi coverage. You wouldn’t put up with water slowly flowing out of your kitchen taps or have low voltage at your plug sockets causing appliances not to work correctly, yet having a poor wi-fi signal in parts of your home continues for months and years in people homes. I know it causes arguments in the home.

A kick back comment may be that you’ve tried a signal extender from a high street retailer or you phoned BT. You were either left with a plug in adaptor that requires you to connect to a new network in other parts of the house or your Hub has been shifted around the house where a phone socket appears to see if it’s any improvement.

Why are you committing so much of your valuable time to messing around with your wi-fi coverage, never making any apparent improvement?

For the Customised Tech Team, making wi-fi reach every corner of your home is a bread and butter task for us. We will carry out a 15-20 minute survey of the home. Specify and quote you for a wi-fi system and suggest some dates for installation.

On your installation date we install a high performance wi-fi system. We setup the network equipment, test the performance, show you how to manage the network and sign the installation off with you. You get left with glorious whole house wi-fi, a happy family and thoughts of “what else could the Tech Team do for me?”

A wi-fi system, supplied and professionally installed starts from £500 including VAT.

It’s time you got the Customised Tech Team in. Call 01508 528964 or email